Until 2024 this series of International Conferences is jointly organized on a rotational basis among three institutions University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland and Toyo University, Japan (from 2022). In 2018, the series of the conferences was joined by University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
research is central to Nevada’s economic renaissance, increasing the availability of good-paying jobs and the secondary industries that support them. We put our expertise to work through projects and partnerships that solve challenges, create opportunities, and answer the profound questions of our time. UNLV research also directly translates to teaching, elevating student learning and bringing context to issues facing our state, nation, and world.
conducts research and development work in the fields of computer science, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and distributed networks. As the institution that in 1991 connected Poland to the Internet, we believe that the development of these disciplines is the future of science, the economy, and the society at large. The research carried out by the NASK SCIENCE team makes it possible to responsibly create world-class new technologies.
established in 1951 is a premier institution in Warsaw, Poland blending military and technical education. It nurtures nearly 10,000 students in fields like cybersecurity, engineering, and national security, focusing on research crucial for Poland’s defense. The university boasts state-of-the-art facilities and a diverse academic portfolio, including over 40 study programs across eight faculties. MUT’s significant contributions to military innovations, such as the MSBS rifle, underscore its role in advancing national and global security technologies.
is one of the largest private universities in Japan. It was founded in 1887 as „TETSUGAKU-KAN (School of Philosophy). The Faculty of Science and Engineering aims to offer an exciting campus where students experience the joy of making things, and to produce professionals in science and technology that will uphold the future of Japanese industry. We cultivate engineers, scientists, and architects who will play critical roles in manufacturing, creating communities and advancing the nation.
is dedicated to advancing the field of computer simulation through annual scientific workshops, which cover a wide range of topics from mathematical methods to artificial intelligence applications. PSTK also publishes the quarterly journal „Simulation in Research and Development,” providing a platform for researchers to share innovative findings in simulation technologies.
Organizer of the 2024 conference
NASK National Research Institute
Military University of Technology
in cooperation with
Polish Society for Computer Simulation